Weekly On Monday – 6:30 pm
Abundant Life Christian Center
This is a gathering of those who desire to come and lift before our great God and Savior various needs and requests for prayer. We have been greatly blessed and do offer many thanks for the powerful and amazing answers to prayer that we have witnessed since the inception of this gathering.

First & Third Monday – 6:30 pm
Meal Served – 6:15 pm
Abundant Life Christian Center
FUSION meets every first and third Monday evening at Abundant Life Christian Center. FUSION consists of fellowship and interaction coupled with relevant, helpful and biblically sound video teachings whereby current national, international, state, and local events are addressed. Time is allotted for discussion, questions, input and prayer.
Prior to the meeting, a meal is prepared and served to all attendees. This is designed to enable those who work to more easily attend – along with providing an excellent time of fellowship and interaction.
Doors open and dinner is served at 6:15 pm. FUSION concludes at 8:00 pm.
You are most welcome to come and be a part of this growing aspect of ministry at ALCC. For further information, call 505-850-5926.
Mid./Sr. High Youth Ministry
MONDAYS – 6:30 pm
Meal Served – 6:15 pm
Abundant Life Christian Center
Our “GROUNDED” Youth Group is for youth ages 12-18 and meets every Monday evening at 6:30pm at ALCC. A meal is served at 6:15pm and is followed by a time of worship, relevant life lessons, prayer, and fellowship!! We are serious about teaching the next generation how to stand strong for the Lord, how to make disciples, and how to be GROUNDED in God’s love and His Word. Ephesians 3:15-17, Colossians 2:6-7
Periodically, special activities will take place. Past activities have included game night at the church, attending various conferences and concerts, and a Food Drive for our ALCC Food Pantry.
On Easter Sunday 2018, we presented a play as a group. You can watch the video here.!!

A Fellowship Specifically Designed For Women
1st & 3rd Wednesday of the Month
9:30 am
214 Horner St., Rio Communities, NM
Every group of people have their unique needs, issues, attributes, giftedness, and roles. Women are no exception, and that is why ALCC has formed a group to address those various aspects. WOMEN OF WORTH is specifically designed for women to come together not only to receive, but also contribute in helping and encouraging women to be all that God created, equipped, and formed them to be – both individually and corporately. Any and all women are cordially invited to attend. For more information about WOMEN OF WORTH call or text 760.617.7050.
3rd Friday of the Month
6:00 pm
214 Horner St., Rio Communities, NM
Food, Fellowship, Relationship, Edification
THE GATHERING is a time set aside for fellowship, breaking of bread (meal), and an exhortation from the Word of God. In this day of constant social media information and influence coupled with the increasing concerns and pressures of the hour, THE GATHERING serves in helping to provide a time of physical and spiritual refreshing. Any and all are invited to attend. For more information about THE GATHERING text or call 760.617.7050.
2nd Saturday of the Month
6:00 pm
Home of Pastor Barney & Sandi Carbajal
Meal Is Served
For more information about NEXGEN text or call 505.850.5926
NexGen is a multi-faceted ministry designed to further equip and develop young adults (18yrs. to 40-ish) for this important season of their lives. Any and all are invited and welcomed to attend and experience a time of food, fun, fellowship – along with sound and relevant teaching from God’s word. Those attending are encouraged to feel free to invite others. In helping us to adequately plan and prepare for your attendance, please text your RSVP to 505.850.5926. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you then and there.
Men’s Ministry
2nd Saturday of the Month
8:00 AM
Abundant Life Christian Center
Continental Breakfast Served
TIME OUT is designed to equip men in fulfilling their God-given role and purpose in all the various aspects of their lives. Messages are given with that specific goal in mind. Interesting and stimulating discussions regarding the message and its impact take place and truly help in solidifying what was received and how to apply it. TIME OUT’s vision is the establishment of the biblical truth that “true manhood and Christlikeness are synonymous”.
Men’s Breakfast & Fellowship
4th Saturday of the Month
8:00 AM
Longbow Restaurant – Rio Communities, NM
LET’S TALK is a time of informal fellowship of men. This time is proving to be very fruitful in strengthening the bond and brotherhood of those who attend. Plans are in the making to establish times of getting together for various activities and times of fun and enjoyment. Check back to our website to see when these will take place.
2nd Saturday of the Month
10 AM
Abundant Life Christian Center
Every second Saturday of the month, ALCC holds its FOOD PANTRY DISTRIBUTION. We consider this ministry of great importance in helping to supplement the need for food to those in our area. In addition to the distributing of food, an uplifting message is always shared with those attending. We at ALCC are very thankful for the committed and consistent volunteers, for those who contribute in helping to make this ministry possible, and for those who behind the scenes who have been so very faithful in the organization of operations needed to accomplish that which take place.
1st Wednesday On Even Months
Time: TBD
Abundant Life Christian Center
Check Our Web Calendar To Confirm Date & Times
ROADRUNNER FOOD DISTRIBUTION takes place on the first Wednesday of the even months of the year. A semi-truck load of food is delivered to ALCC, the food items are efficiently placed into individual boxes, and the boxes are then distributed to those in need. Like that concerning our monthly Food Pantry Distribution at ALCC, we are very thankful for the committed and consistent volunteers, for those who contribute in helping to make this ministry possible, and for those who behind the scenes who have been so very faithful in the organization of operations needed to accomplish that which take place.